Champion by Marie Lu

So I am probably the only one left who hadn’t read these books.

This series follows the two characters of June and Day. This takes place in the future where the world is divided and changed. The United States has divided into the Republic and the Colonies. They Republic and the Colonies are at war.

Day is a poor teenager living in the Republic. He is known as a thief, and eventually a murderer and is wanted by the Rebublic government. The Republic does not treat their citizens very well, especially the poor ones.

June is a teenager who is a soldier for the Republic and works for the government. She is ultimately put in charge of tracking down Day and bringing him in as prisoner.

Will June have a change of heart? What will happen to Day?

So this was a great dystopian series. I stayed away from a lot of reviews about the subsequent books, so I had no idea the ending wasn’t very popular. I had no idea to expect a crazy ending. I’m not a fan of endings like these. A small SPOILER, this does flash us into the future 10 years at the end.

I think Marie Lu had a great concept and developed great characters. It just didn’t end how I wanted. This is actually probably my least favorite book in the series. Will plan to read more from Marie Lu in the future!

3.75 stars!

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